The first of the International Education Symposium & From Project to Practice (UPUES 2021) is organized and continue to be held in the following years with the cooperation of Necmettin Erbakan University and Konya Provincial Directorate of National Educatio n, with the support of Konya Metropolitan Municipality . The purpose of the symposium; sharing the results of exemplary projects and teaching practices carried out in our country and in the international platform with the education community, disseminating them and ensuring that the project knowledge and experiences of teachers and academicians are shared with stakeholders. In this context; Projects supported by Erasmus+, eTwinning, TÜBİTAK, local development agencies, Ministries and other institutions and organizations, realised local projects and exemplary teaching practices carried out in schools can be presented as a paper at the symposium. International Education Symposi...
YanıtlaSilReally good film!